Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to make a glass water bottle

Blenko from David Williams on Vimeo.

Our Group went to Blenko glass to see how to blow glass and make glass water bottles and candy dishes. This is how it was done.
1. Molten glass (2500 Fahrenheit)  is brought on a long hollow steel tube
2. The glass is shaped with a moistened wood spoon by rolling the glass in the spoon to give it shape
3. Blow into the opposite end of the hollow steel pipe. You are trying to make a bubble in the glass. Just like in blowing a bubble with gum if you blow too hard it will burst (I did blow too hard the first time and had to start over)
4. Take glass on tube to mold and it is slightly flattened to fit in mold.
5. Put glass in mold and blow in top of hollow pipe to fill the mold. Pull the tube away and break off the glass.
6. Let glass cool slightly in mold and then remove from the mold.
7.  The bottle then is taken over to the furnace.  The extra glass is scraped off
8. The top opening is reheated. then using a tool that looks like a screwdriver press it against both sides to form a v shaped spout on opposite sides.
Use the same tool to make sure the opening is rounded.
9. Finally take it to the oven. In the oven the bottle will slowly cool. If the cooling is not done slowly it will shatter.


  1. Great job David, the video was excellent and informative. I hope you use this video for the virtual field trip.

  2. My students are excited to begin working on the activities this afternoon!

  3. This is really cool. I would like to make one in the future. It would be cool to work at Blenko.
