Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 6

Today we blew Christmas ornaments.
1. Glass taken from furnace
2. Glass put in colors in my case green and yellow
3. Glass reheated and rolled on table. Because glass cools on metal table the difference in temperature makes the glass swirl
4. Then the end is snipped off
5 One person sits and uses the jacks, large tweezer like tool too start making a ridge where glass will be cut off. The other person blows the glass to fill ornament up with air.
6 It is heated again and this time you squeeze hard with jacks
7. you take the glass over to landing area and hit metal rod and glass falls off where jacks had been used.
8 then a small piece of molten glass is added and twisted to make place for hanger


  1. You always do such a great job writing out the steps. I often check back here when I forget exactly what order we did things in. Thanks

  2. Great job in writing out the steps and the pictures that accompanied those steps.

  3. Nice job describing the process of making the ornaments.

    Thanks for posting from the day.

  4. Absolutely great pictures. The trip to Pittsburgh Glass was an experience I will not soon forget. The applications to our classroom are countless.
